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Makefile | 1994-05-08 | 7.3 KB | 188 lines |
- # Makefile for ifcico FidoNet mailer
- # Copyright (c) 1993, 1994 by Eugene G. Crosser
- INCDIR = ../iflib
- include ../CONFIG
- # Include -DNOISEDEBUG to emulate noisy line. If defined, -jNNN option
- # causes approximately every NNNth received character to be damaged.
- ${OPTS}
- UTLIB = ../iflib/utlib.a
- OBJCICO = ifcico.o nodelist.o flagexp.o call.o callall.o answer.o \
- modemstr.o openport.o opentcp.o dial.o session.o \
- chat.o ttyio.o emsi.o ftsc.o yoohoo.o \
- filelist.o xmsend.o xmrecv.o sendbark.o recvbark.o \
- filetime.o m7recv.o m7send.o respfreq.o \
- rdoptions.o emsidat.o wazoo.o janus.o \
- zmsend.o zmrecv.o zmmisc.o zmrle.o \
- openfile.o ftscprod.o dietifna.o \
- nlindex.o openterm.o
- OBJSTAT = ifstat.o
- OBJINDEX = ifindex.o nodebld.o nlindex.o
- OBJROUTE = ifroute.o nodelist.o nlindex.o
- SRCS = lastmtime.c ifcico.c nodelist.c call.c callall.c answer.c \
- modemstr.c openport.c opentcp.c dial.c session.c \
- chat.c ttyio.c emsi.c ftsc.c yoohoo.c \
- filelist.c xmsend.c xmrecv.c sendbark.c recvbark.c \
- filetime.c m7recv.c m7send.c respfreq.c \
- rdoptions.c ifstat.c emsidat.c wazoo.c janus.c \
- zmsend.c zmrecv.c zmmisc.c zmrle.c \
- openfile.c dietifna.c openterm.c \
- nlindex.c nodebld.c ifindex.c ifroute.c
- HDRS = nodelist.h statetbl.h session.h ttyio.h emsi.h zmodem.h \
- ftscprod.h nlindex.h
- OTHER = README GETTY.diff Makefile \
- flaglex.l flagexp.y \
- ftscprod.047 mkprod.awk
- ALL = ifcico ifstat ifindex ifroute
- .c.o:
- ${CC} -c ${CFLAGS} ${INCLUDES} ${DEFINES} $<
- all: ${ALL}
- ftscprod.c:
- ${AWK} -F, -f mkprod.awk ftscprod.??? >ftscprod.c
- flagexp.c: flagexp.y
- ${YACC} flagexp.y
- mv y.tab.c flagexp.c
- flaglex.c: flaglex.l
- ${LEX} flaglex.l
- mv lex.yy.c flaglex.c
- flagexp.o: flaglex.c flagexp.c
- flaglex.o: flaglex.c flagexp.c
- install: all
- ${INSTALL} -o ${OWNER} -g ${GROUP} -m ${SMODE} ifcico ${BINDIR}/ifcico
- ${INSTALL} -o ${OWNER} -g ${GROUP} -m ${SMODE} ifstat ${BINDIR}/ifstat
- ${INSTALL} -o ${OWNER} -g ${GROUP} -m ${SMODE} ifindex ${BINDIR}/ifindex
- ${INSTALL} -o ${OWNER} -g ${GROUP} -m ${SMODE} ifroute ${BINDIR}/ifroute
- tryc: ifcico
- >/tmp/ifdebug
- echo /u/ifmail/ifcico/README >/usr/spool/fnet/outb/139c00e6.flo
- echo 'FILES' >/usr/spool/fnet/outb/139c00e6.req
- echo 'IFM*.*' >>/usr/spool/fnet/outb/139c00e6.req
- ./ifcico -x9 -I../misc/config -alocalhost f230.n5020
- lc:
- wc -l ${SRCS} ${HDRS} ${OTHER}
- clean:
- rm -f *.o flaglex.c flagexp.c ftscprod.c core ${ALL} lastmtime \
- iflog ifdebug filelist version.h Makefile.bak
- ifcico: ${OBJCICO} ${UTLIB}
- ${CC} ${LDFLAGS} ${OBJCICO} ${UTLIB} -o ifcico ${LIBS}
- ifstat: ${OBJSTAT} ${UTLIB}
- ${CC} ${LDFLAGS} ${OBJSTAT} ${UTLIB} -o ifstat ${LIBS}
- ifindex: ${OBJINDEX} ${UTLIB}
- ${CC} ${LDFLAGS} ${OBJINDEX} ${UTLIB} -o ifindex ${LIBS}
- ifroute: ${OBJROUTE} ${UTLIB}
- ${CC} ${LDFLAGS} ${OBJROUTE} ${UTLIB} -o ifroute ${LIBS}
- lastmtime: lastmtime.c
- ${CC} lastmtime.c -o lastmtime
- tar: ifcico.tar.z
- ifcico.tar.z: ${SRCS} ${HDRS} ${OTHER}
- ${TAR} cf - ${SRCS} ${HDRS} ${OTHER} | \
- gzip >$@
- filelist: Makefile
- BASE=`pwd`; \
- BASE=`basename $${BASE}`; \
- (for f in ${SRCS} ${HDRS} ${OTHER} ;do echo ifmail/$${BASE}/$$f; done) \
- >filelist
- config:
- test -f config
- version.h: ${SRCS} ${HDRS} flaglex.l flagexp.y lastmtime ../CONFIG
- echo 'char *version=${VERSION};' >version.h
- echo 'char *copyright=${COPYRIGHT};' >>version.h
- echo "char *reldate=\"`./lastmtime ${SRCS} ${HDRS} flaglex.l flagexp.y`\";" >>version.h
- depend: version.h
- @mv -f Makefile Makefile.bak; \
- sed -e '/^# DO NOT DELETE/,$$d' Makefile.bak >Makefile; \
- >>Makefile; \
- ${ECHO} '# Dependencies generated by make depend' >>Makefile; \
- for f in ${SRCS}; \
- do \
- ${ECHO} "Dependencies for $$f:\c"; \
- ${ECHO} "`basename $$f .c`.o:\c" >>Makefile; \
- for h in `sed -n -e \
- 's/^#[ ]*include[ ]*"\([^"]*\)".*/\1/p' $$f`; \
- do \
- ${ECHO} " $$h\c"; \
- if [ -r $$h ]; \
- then \
- ${ECHO} " $$h\c" >>Makefile; \
- else \
- ${ECHO} " ${INCDIR}/$$h\c" >>Makefile; \
- fi; \
- done; \
- ${ECHO} " done."; \
- ${ECHO} "" >>Makefile; \
- done; \
- ${ECHO} '# End of generated dependencies' >>Makefile
- # Dependencies generated by make depend
- lastmtime.o:
- ifcico.o: ../iflib/getopt.h ../iflib/lutil.h ../iflib/xutil.h ../iflib/ftn.h nodelist.h ../iflib/config.h version.h
- nodelist.o: ../iflib/xutil.h ../iflib/lutil.h ../iflib/ftn.h ../iflib/config.h nodelist.h nlindex.h
- call.o: ../iflib/lutil.h ../iflib/xutil.h ../iflib/ftn.h nodelist.h ../iflib/config.h session.h
- callall.o: ../iflib/xutil.h ../iflib/lutil.h ../iflib/ftn.h nodelist.h ../iflib/config.h ../iflib/scanout.h
- answer.o: ../iflib/lutil.h ../iflib/ftn.h nodelist.h session.h ../iflib/config.h
- modemstr.o: ../iflib/config.h nodelist.h
- openport.o: ../iflib/lutil.h ../iflib/xutil.h ../iflib/ulock.h ttyio.h
- opentcp.o: ../iflib/lutil.h
- dial.o: ../iflib/lutil.h nodelist.h ../iflib/config.h
- session.o: ttyio.h ../iflib/lutil.h ../iflib/xutil.h ../iflib/ftn.h nodelist.h statetbl.h session.h ../iflib/config.h emsi.h
- chat.o: ../iflib/lutil.h ../iflib/xutil.h nodelist.h ../iflib/config.h
- ttyio.o: ../iflib/lutil.h ttyio.h
- emsi.o: ../iflib/xutil.h ../iflib/lutil.h ttyio.h session.h statetbl.h ../iflib/config.h emsi.h nodelist.h
- ftsc.o: ../iflib/ftn.h ../iflib/getheader.h ../iflib/xutil.h ../iflib/lutil.h session.h ttyio.h statetbl.h ../iflib/config.h
- yoohoo.o: statetbl.h ../iflib/xutil.h ../iflib/lutil.h ttyio.h session.h ftscprod.h ../iflib/config.h ../iflib/ftn.h emsi.h nodelist.h
- filelist.o: ../iflib/xutil.h ../iflib/lutil.h ../iflib/bwrite.h session.h ../iflib/ftn.h
- xmsend.o: session.h ../iflib/lutil.h ttyio.h statetbl.h
- xmrecv.o: session.h ttyio.h statetbl.h ../iflib/xutil.h ../iflib/lutil.h ../iflib/config.h
- sendbark.o: ../iflib/ftn.h ../iflib/lutil.h ttyio.h session.h statetbl.h
- recvbark.o: ../iflib/lutil.h ttyio.h session.h statetbl.h
- filetime.o:
- m7recv.o: statetbl.h ttyio.h ../iflib/lutil.h
- m7send.o: statetbl.h ttyio.h ../iflib/lutil.h
- respfreq.o: session.h ../iflib/xutil.h ../iflib/lutil.h ../iflib/config.h
- rdoptions.o: session.h ../iflib/xutil.h ../iflib/lutil.h nodelist.h ../iflib/config.h
- ifstat.o: ../iflib/getopt.h ../iflib/lutil.h ../iflib/xutil.h ../iflib/ftn.h ../iflib/config.h ../iflib/scanout.h version.h
- emsidat.o: ../iflib/ftn.h ../iflib/xutil.h ../iflib/lutil.h emsi.h session.h ../iflib/config.h
- wazoo.o: ../iflib/lutil.h ttyio.h session.h statetbl.h ../iflib/config.h emsi.h
- janus.o: ../iflib/lutil.h ttyio.h session.h statetbl.h ../iflib/config.h emsi.h
- zmsend.o: ttyio.h ../iflib/xutil.h ../iflib/lutil.h session.h zmodem.h emsi.h
- zmrecv.o: ../iflib/xutil.h ../iflib/lutil.h ttyio.h zmodem.h session.h ../iflib/config.h emsi.h
- zmmisc.o: ../iflib/xutil.h ../iflib/lutil.h ttyio.h zmodem.h
- zmrle.o: ../iflib/lutil.h ttyio.h zmodem.h
- openfile.o: ../iflib/xutil.h ../iflib/lutil.h ../iflib/config.h
- dietifna.o: ../iflib/lutil.h ttyio.h session.h emsi.h
- nlindex.o: ../iflib/xutil.h ../iflib/lutil.h ../iflib/ftn.h ../iflib/config.h nodelist.h nlindex.h
- nodebld.o: ../iflib/xutil.h ../iflib/lutil.h ../iflib/ftn.h ../iflib/config.h nodelist.h nlindex.h
- ifindex.o: ../iflib/getopt.h ../iflib/lutil.h nodelist.h nlindex.h ../iflib/config.h version.h
- ifroute.o: ../iflib/getopt.h ../iflib/lutil.h ../iflib/xutil.h ../iflib/ftn.h nodelist.h ../iflib/config.h version.h
- # End of generated dependencies